I promised Dawn from Shabby Chatue)
I promised Dawn from Shabby Chatue that i would show her the bubble gum pink roses my sweetheart gave me for mother's day.......needless to say, i went into the bedroom to open the window for light and lo and behold there was the empty vintage replica stroller i'd bought a few weeks ago.....seems someone needed a pink rose baby.......lolololol.....how adorable is that? ya, not as adorable as your own babies, but mighty aweful close eh? <3 <3 <3 what else is a mum supposed to do when they grow up? : )
well, ok, i'm a chocoholic and i could not wait to take even one photo before i had to eat a one of the gorgeous little dark chocolates which was shaped like a shell in all it's glory..calling my name .......center was razzmatazaberry too!....my fav combo!....go son who sent me these with the lililies :)
One of my favorite knocknames for my daughter was "Powder Puff Cheeks"...soft as a, well...babies cheeks! lol.... nothing more delish than kissin those plump little baby cheeks.....Children are like a dandelion puff ball........soft, delicate, the sweetest flower in the garden......blow on them softly and their love will fill the world with hope as they go on their path as god intends for each of us.......dreams.....they are ours for the asking......and yours to hold to your heart until they come true......that, my fellow humans, is ''faith''......grace upon our souls is from our one god........anyways......more chit chat to come........lol....
this is what princess does while waiting for me to stop typing and pet her to purrrrfectioin........like a mother, she is loyal and steadfast.....always waiting for the babies to call that dang phone, would it keeel you to pick......oh wait........reverence on mother's day for my oh-so-perfect children;who only live to talk to mom 24/7 ;00-;)
flowers cycle like a child........we wait, we water, we let them open and bloom........now you've bloomed, get back in your cribs!! loololol....
stop staring at me lady!!............. i love your face close up........sweet kisses dear "flower face" on mother's day.......how many names of love did we make up for our sweet children as we kissed their cheeks full of our grateful spirit that god brought such beauty into our hearts and souls....
Lawd after all this typing and talkin i hope this post works: :).......again.....flowers blooming, children growin........hearts a workin.......love at play........
New hutcharoozi.....and my mother's day fleuers........spoiled rotten i am.......love will dot that for a gal........bought those baskets for my sweetheart's underwear and sox.....of couse he's still got them all over the place but my flowers look swanky in them; ; )
Well, here goes the test to see if i can actually blog!...lol.....hmmmm seem hampered already trying to remember to capitalize and punctuate my typing after lazily skimming along with all small case in my usual social medai non-stop chatterboxing :).......
Happy Mother's Day to one and all......most know that my favorite color of all is pinks....soft, bubblegums, brights....soft and cheerful bubblegum pink is my fav shade........ok......i'm going to keep this one short to see if it even works..........
I hope you enjoy the humor of the poignancy of my roses in the baby carriage for an empty nester mama...lol....come back little babies, stay in mama's crib forevah and evah........lololol.....or just forever in my most cherished memories and sweetest part of my heart and joy of life.......<3 <3 <3