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Monday, December 31, 2012

Christmas 2012 - Pink 'n Blue Cherished Teddies, Bunnies 'n Critters on dee Hutch

blogger is broken, it adds pix i didn't ask it to add.....oh i learn how to use this dang thing, i may as well add a caption to this photo i did not intend to add!!! (old lady ditz here)...we use this hutch for all of our snacky types of food......i figure it's prettier than just using another boring kitchen counter, lol......

 my daughter made that gorgeous pink clay vase in high school and she let me have it...very generous, creative soul she mama gave me the little mother/daughter baking together music box because she said it reminded her of my daughter and's very sweet <3
 at christmas time, i tend to get out more cute critters........i started collecting "Cherished Teddies" about 25 yrs far i have 2 ;)........the little bear mama in her little red dress & holiday apron holding the christmas cookies, and her little girl bear.....i added the ''off-brand'' bear boys....they remind me of myself and my kids.....actually i got the little pink girl bear for my daughter that year....hmmmm so far we both have one whole Cherished Teddy bear in our collection!!! hahahhahahaaaaaaaaaaa.......

ridiculousness!....2 pix of the same tree i made the pink 'n blue candy ornaments for....and blogger splits up my captions.....THEN for heaven's sake,  what's that below???!! OH MY!!.....

more pix below that i did not mean!!......ridiculousness!!....

anyways......i made these little green trees for my sink window from the wrappers that came with the Florida Oranges my dad sends me every year........he passed in august,so this is my first christmas without my daddeeee.....i know.....terrible!!....all your childhood memories come flooding back when daddeee goes home to heaven, trust me, it's not easy and i will now never ever be able to toss away these silly paper trees i made last year!!!........

count your blessings....cherished memories are among the best ones we have.......<3

 i love that basket......i found that for $1 at a 2nd hand store in 'n gorgeous suits my budget just fine!
dami brought home those adorable little terra cotta pots, they had herbs in them......i placed them on my kitchen sill, nurtured, watered, fertilized and loved them with tender care.......they, of course, promptly croaked!!! lololool........hence the term: "faux paper trees susie had to make to fill up those dang empty terra cotta pots".........i refuse to be undone......''tenacity'' is another name for ''refusing to die like lame zee herbs on a woman's sill'' :)

grandmommy always said "bloom where you are planted''....which is pretty hilarious, considering she, her mother, her mother's mother, and on back forever in the generations of women behind me.....and her daughter (my mother) and my sis and me......ya......WE, the women of this family more than know how to create something when the herbs decide to move on outta our cute little pots......

my grandmommy grew tomatoes on the patio of her nursing home till the day she passed.....what a gem she was, i wish i had half her talents and green thumb.......:)

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